Answer Key


Guess the House

1 - Home Alone

2 - Dexter (TV Show)

3 - Friends (TV Show)

4 - Twilight

5 - The Notebook

6 - The Holiday

7 - Harry Potter

8 - The Great Gatsby

9 - Lord of the Rings


Housewarming Trivia

Knives - The superstitious believe it will turn the recipient into your enemy.

If any ghosts frequently visit the home - This involves disclosing any paranormal activity.

Second Street - Oddly, “Third” comes in second place and “First” is in third place!

15% - And of those that do, 54% don’t know how to operate them.

Homeowner has paid off mortgage

Broomstick - For need to literally warm up the house in the fireplace.

Self Disinfect - Its called the oligodynamic effect: the icons in the metal have toxic effect on spores, fungi, viruses and other germs.

110 Million

Bubble Wrap - It was invented by engineer Al Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes in 1957 as they were trying to make textured wallpaper.

Home structure that sticks out beyond the lower level

Round or oval window